Apply Cadet Pilot Programme

2007-02-22 10:53 pm
我想apply Dragon air 的 Cadet Pilot Programme, 但係requirement 要英文係HKCEE到攞C. 而我自己又冇。
如果唔得, 我係唔係可以補考番, 又或者考其他英文試都得?

英文對做pilot嚟講係唔係好好好重要, 係唔係一定要拿C或以上?
咁點解 Cathay pacific 的Cadet Pilot Programme 又冇講到有呢個要求?

回答 (3)

2007-02-22 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You would try it ga..................might be you should do the International English test for prove your English standard ITELS , TOEFL.......................

English should be very important for pilot, cos they need to commuicate with diff airport by english.
參考: myself
2007-03-03 8:04 am
of course you can, just whether your application will be processed, is entirely another issue.

Yes, because it's the aviation language, everything in English...

咁點解 Cathay pacific 的Cadet Pilot Programme 又冇講到有呢個要求?
Your English will be tested....
2007-02-23 8:44 pm
因為佢地係concentrate 係你有冇intelligent , even your English is not good enough, you may study and adapt during the trainig in Adelaide. but of course, you at least can speak and listen.
you know nothing if you dont try it, so just apply for it first.

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