
2007-02-22 10:43 pm
1.train cooking 煮咩易升cooking lvl?

2.woodcutting cut咩 tree 升 WC lvl 最快

3.prayer 黠升最快

my cooking lvl is 52,wc 43,prayer 32

回答 (5)

2007-03-04 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.在最近的銀行煮龍蝦/swordfish,把所有的食物dispost 落銀行。才一次過用noted來drop 落地上。
2.在Draynor Village bank 附近的willow tree 來chop 是最快來升WC. 當chop 了一輪後,dispost 落銀行。 再來chop 多一段時間,很快便wc lv 60。
3.Bury bones 當你看到有bones。/在wildness 的chaos temple(lv12 wildy),有14bones 可獲得。
My account:Timothylam9
參考: runehq
2007-02-27 8:29 pm
1)i think u sould cook salmon . because it is easy to cook .
2)i think u should cut yew trees . because u can cut lot of wood .(If the tree is big,u got the wood will more.)
3)i think u should bury big bone . because u will get more XP of prayer.

What is your usename , wanna be friend? My account is leaovhpang2 . HOpe we can be friend . ^U^
參考: me arrrrrgggghhhhhhh~ lol -.-
2007-02-27 1:16 am
You can cook lobsters

you can cut willow

you can burnbig bones
2007-02-26 7:36 am
1. Since you are cooking lvl 52,if you want to train cooking, i suggest you should cook lobbies. And if you more high lvl, you should cook sword fishes.

2. If ur wood-cutting lvl is 43, i think you should cut willows. Try to buy a rune axe, maybe will be better. When you reach wod-cutting lvl 60, cut yews is the best to up this lvl.

3. To me, the fastest way to up your prayer lvl is to bury big bones. To find big bones, you will need to kill hill giants( lvl 28). To find them, you will need a brass key to open a door. The door is between Varrock and Barberian Village.

Good Luck!
2007-02-22 11:32 pm
1. 你cooking 52,tuna 可能對你有用,但是很慢;我建議煮lobbies (lobsters),cooking 52 都o吾係特別容易burnt,都ok。(p.s. cooking level-74 開始不會再burnt lobbies)

2. woodcutting cut 你level cut到的最高lvl樹,你woodcutting 43,non-member cut Willow (level-30),member cut Maple (level-40~)

3. 狂打hill giant/ moss giant,他們會跌big bones。
如果你是member,狂買ogre bone最快(自己DIY打orge都得)

2007-02-28 21:02:59 補充:
Cooking 52 雖不會再燒儂Salmon,但係d xp比起Lobbies來講會低好多。慢....!

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