
2007-02-22 10:43 pm
我想請你地幫我作e d例句!!!

16.cast a vote(投票)
17.cast an eye on(密切注視)
18.cast doubt on(懷疑)
19.catch a cold(患感冒)
20.catch a train(趕上火車)
21.catch fire(著火)
22.catch sight of(瞥見)
23.come clean(說出實情)
24.come in a fortune(繼承財產)
25.come in handy(有用處)
26.come to a decision(達成決定)
27.come to an end(完結)
28.come to an halt(停止)
29.come to power(取得權力)
30.come ture(成真)

請你地幫我作e 15句既例句


回答 (2)

2007-02-22 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
16.cast a vote(投票)
It is the responsibility of citizens to get involved in elections by casting a vote.

17.cast an eye on(密切注視)
Parents should cast an eye on their babies all the time to avoild any accidents.

18.cast doubt on(懷疑)
You should never cast a doubt on your friends because trust is what holds the friendship.

19.catch a cold(患感冒)
I did not put on enough clothes yesterday ,so I caught a cold .

20.catch a train(趕上火車)
You would not catch the train home if you arrived at the station after 11:00p.m.

21.catch fire(著火)
You ought to keep an eye on your cooking to prevent your house from catching fire.

22.catch sight of(瞥見)
It is so lucky of me to have a chance to catch sight of the sun rise on the mountain.

23.come clean(說出實情)
He had no choice but to come clean, because someone saw him commit the crime.

24.come in a fortune(繼承財產)
She came in a big fortune after the death of her uncle,so she decided to help the needy.

25.come in handy(有用處)
Take a torch and some medicine with you to the camp. They may come in handy to you.

26.come to a decision(達成決定)
They finally came to a decision about where the event takes place after three meetings.

27.come to an end(完結)
He fought against cancer with strong will and never-give-up spirit until his life came to an end.

28.come to a halt(停止)
The football match came to a halt due to the bad weather.

29.come to power(取得權力)
People usually misuse their power and do not learn to improve themselves after coming to power.

30.come ture(成真)
Her dream of establishing a community service centre and helping the poor in the mainland China finally came true.

參考: 自己
2007-02-23 12:34 am
16.cast a vote(投票)
Citizens in Hong Kong can cast a vote at the age of eighteen.

17.cast an eye on(密切注視)
Parents must cast an eye on their children when they are playing dangerous games.

18.cast doubt on(懷疑)
The police have casted doubt on the man next door for robbing the bank.

19.catch a cold(患感冒)
It is very easy to catch a cold during winter.

20.catch a train(趕上火車)
You need to catch a bus before 10 pm to arrive home.

21.catch fire(著火)
Children must not play with matches or the house will catch fire.

22.catch sight of(瞥見)
The old woman next door caught sight of a man robbing a little boy.

23.come clean(說出實情)
The suspects should come clean in front of the police.

24.come in a fortune(繼承財產)
The man will come in a fortune with this girl.

25.come in handy(有用處)
A lockpicker will come in handy when we are locked in.

26.come to a decision(達成決定)
The judge has come to a final decision of the case.

27.come to an end(完結)
The fantastic show has come to an end, and everybody left.

28.come to an halt(停止)
The race has come to a halt because of a sudden accident.

29.come to power(取得權力)
The king comes to power to kingdom.

30.come ture(成真)
Every princess' dreams in a fairy tale comes true.

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