runescape 系列第一問

2007-02-22 10:37 pm
1.rs投資咩嘢揾最多coins? kill咩揾最多?

回答 (2)

2007-02-22 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. 如果你有番100k,你買4個rune scmmy 25kea然後28kea賣出去。
如果你有超過200k,你買full rune pieces (rune helmet, rune kite, rune pl8, rune leg) 分開買(rune helmet 20k, rune kite 45k, rune pl8 50k, rune leg 45k),加起來才160k,再180k整套full rune賣出去。

如果你有大概30M,你買santa 22M然後賣出去24M。

2. Moss Giants跌nature runes, cosmic rune, black sq shield...... 都幾好賺。
如果member,slayer 有85,Abyssal Demon比較好賺。

2007-02-28 21:04:24 補充:
如果你有大概2M ge話,你買入Full Guthix 1.23M 然後用1.28M賣出去。
2007-02-28 4:24 am
1. To me, i think buying armours and selling them to someone is the best way to earn money, remember, it should be full sets of armour, not just seperate pieces. Because i once got full black (t), i bought the full seperatly, because i think it will be cheaper than buying it full at once( you try to buy the armour seperatly la!) . I got the black (t) skirt for 300 coals, black (t) full helmet for 30k, black (t) plate body for 40k and black (t) sheild for 3.5k. I bought them so cheap seperatly, and then, i have full black (t) and sold it out for 200k. Now, trying to get full adam (g) and sell it again.

2. If you are none-members( i don't know about member things, because i am not a member once), i think killing Hill Giants is a good way to get money from. When you kill a Hill Giant, you will get 1 big bones, and sometimes some limpwurt root, money or iron or steel things. And when you kill many many Hill Giants, you will get mroe and more big bones, so you go to world 1, and outside the bank, maybe you will see some people saying: Buying limp roots 400 ea! Or maybe: Buying b bones 350ea! Like that, and then you trade with the person. I think it is good to earn money using this way.

Will you accpet my comments to you?

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