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Table tennis is an Olympic sport where two or four players hit a ball with a paddle back and forth to each other on a table, in a manner similar to tennis. The rules are slightly different, but the concept is basically the same.When you serve a ball the ball is not required to hit the opposite box on the table, but many people beleive it is supposed to because of it's sister sport Tennis. Ball spin, speed, placement, strategy and tactics play an important part in competitive table tennis matches. The speed of the ball can vary from slow serves with much spin to smashes that travel as fast as 112.5 kilometers per hour (69.9 miles per hour).[4]
Table tennis has its origins in England as an after dinner amusement for upper class Victorians in the 1880s. Mimicking the game of tennis in an indoor environment, everyday objects were originally enlisted to act as the equipment. A line of books would be the net, a rounded top of a Champagne cork or knot of string as the ball, and a cigar box lid as the bat.
More details can be found in Wikipedia:
乒乓球是一種世界流行的球類體育項目。它的英語官方名稱是「table tennis」,意即「桌上網球」。
乒乓球一名起源自1900年,因其打擊時發出「Ping Pong」的聲音而得名,在中國大陸就以「乒乓球」作為它的官方名稱,香港及澳門等地區亦同時使用。然而,台灣和日本地區則稱為桌球,意指球桌上的球類運動。
在中國,早期的乒乓球運動僅在上海、廣州、北京、天津等少數大城市開展。 經過多年的發展,已成為一項全民普及的運動,中國隊在世界大賽上也奪得一個又一個的冠軍。乒乓球在中國被譽為「國球」。