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rolled oats 已經稍煮, 亦等於instant oat:
"Rolled oats are oat groats that have been rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers. They have often been lightly baked or pressure-cooked and highly fragmented rolled oats absorb water much more easily and therefore cook faster, so they are sometimes called "quick" or "instant" oatmeal."
除左煮成麥皮, rolled oats 都可以即食. 外國好興早餐加d museli, 其中一樣成份就係folled oats, 我係澳洲個陣都成日食. "The first type of muesli is a loose mixture of mainly rolled oats together with various pieces of dried fruit, nuts, and seeds."
Oat 已經係一個品種既cereal, 冇咩話再分類. 最多係分原產地.
Oat 可以整成rolled oats 外, 仲有oatmeal (即係碎d既rolled oats), oat flour; 釀啤酒亦得.
Oat 亦都可以生食架~ "Oats may also be consumed raw, and cookies with raw oats are becoming popular"
~ :)
2007-02-22 19:28:06 補充:
一般市面上賣既Instant Oats / Quick Cook Oats , Oatmeal 都係rolled oats, 即都算係熟, 你唔駛專登去分辨生熟. 除非有d標明係生燕麥, 不過我諗都比較少, 可能某d烘焙專門店同外國鋪頭先有.
2007-02-26 21:57:27 補充:
哦~ 早講丫!好簡單者, 你跟包裝說明咪得囉. 一般都係3-5分鍾架咋, 因為我都講左, *所有instant oats 都係rolled oats, 熟架喇.*要煮咁耐既生麥片應該都唔會有得賣啦, 有快既點解仲要慢?! 除非用黎整麵包啦.唔駛咁擔心喎, 你去買盒桂格燕麥片, 照住包裝指示煮啦~
2007-02-26 22:02:05 補充:
http://www.dreamstime.com/foodrawoatsspillingoutofglassjar-image32427基本上同即食個d一樣. 所以你點分都係唯有靠個名.