what is commodity trade?

2007-02-22 12:26 pm
what is commodity trade?

回答 (3)

2007-02-26 8:53 am
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Commodity markets are markets where raw or primary products are exchanged. These raw commodities are traded on regulated commodities exchanges, in which they are bought and sold in standardized Contracts.
This article focuses on the history and current debates regarding global commodity markets. It covers physical product (food, metals, electricity) markets but not the ways that services, including those of governments, nor investment, nor debt, can be seen as a commodity. Articles on reinsurance markets, stock markets, bond markets and currency markets cover those concerns separately and in more depth. One focus of this article is the relationship between simple commodity money and the more complex instruments offered in the commodity markets.
See List of traded commodities for some commodities and their trading units and places.
2007-02-22 11:17 pm
that means barter economy.
people exchange goods for goods directly
without using money (medium of exchange)
e.g. 2 apples trade for 3 bananas

commodity trade occurs in the old days
and seldom take place now,
it is because it requires double coincidence of wants
and so the trade may take a lot of time
2007-02-22 7:17 pm
It is the trading of commodity. Commodity is the goods with no differentiation which provided by different suppliers. For example, coffee beans and coal.

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