在美國讀honor degree同普通degree有乜分別?

2007-02-22 9:38 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 11:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I remembered when I was in a university for my undergraduate program, there is something called the honor college. I am not sure if that's what you are asking for but I will try to explain what honor college does for you. In order to enroll in the honor colleg you have to be above a gpa of 3.5 and you have to write an application to get into the honor college. Once you are enrolled in the honor college, you have the privelege to register for classes earlier than other students (so that you can take the classes you want before other people takes it) and when you you graduate you will be graduating with an honor degree. Bare in mind that the honor college is for the top 5% students so it's competitive.

Honor degree will prove to the employer that you were a good student with high gpa but doesnt prove if you have the skills, capability or work experience with the job you are applying. I agree with what the person above me said, it's nice to show that you have an honor degree on a resume, but you will still need other essential parts in order to get a job successfully (like past internships, referral letters, or your own research or dissertation etc) so just get yourself equipped with these qualities now and you will then have the "quali" to pick your own job, but not letting a job to pick you.

Good luck with everything
參考: my experience studying in the US for 8 years
2007-02-22 11:47 am
honour degree的主要作用是用來考postgraduate programme.通常要求要有second class honour.至於搵工,視乎個別僱主.好多時攞first class honour,但係無common sense,唔識應變,就考得好都無用.
參考: 自己

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