
2007-02-22 8:30 am
使用牙線既時間應該是刷牙前 還是 刷牙後 ???

回答 (3)

2007-02-23 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
刷牙前...........because firstly you remove the debit in between two teeth........then you can brush the dirt away in one time..........

I always listen to several dentists advices to their patient.......

otherwise the dirt will stick on the tooth surface when you use the floss after brushing...
參考: I am a dental assistant
2007-02-22 8:34 am
刷牙後, 清算牙刷清不到的食物渣滓及預防牙石形成~

2007-02-22 00:36:20 補充:
打錯了, 是 ---清除---事後可再用清水 long 一 long 口
2007-02-22 8:34 am

否則o係刷牙後先將牙縫內的食物殘渣 [liu] 出黎....
咁o個 d 食物o既殘渣都係會留o係口腔內架.

2007-02-22 00:35:43 補充:
相反, 如果我地o係刷牙前 [liu] o左 d 食物殘渣出黎,咁之後刷牙, 咪可以連埋o個 d 污垢刷走囉~

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