my friend is soo totally...?

2007-02-22 1:06 am
ok my friend is sooo totally rude to everyone!! she cant seem to keep her mouth shut for anything, like today, she told someone tht was helping us tht they were fat!! and then she was making fun of this guy who had crutches, she says she was playing around but all of my friends, me included, knows she was soo serious. i tell her tht she is soo rude and its making me mad, but she is still being mean and rude. and when i tell her she is being rude, then she says back. quote "compared to you i am nice!" but i am not even mean or even make fun of anyone!! HELP PLEASE???

回答 (12)

2007-02-22 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you sure you want her for a friend? I wouldn't want to hang around with anyone like that. It might be time to clean out your friend closet.
2007-02-22 9:18 am
Sounds like a case of low self esteem...your friend probably feels bad about in order to make herself feel better she picks on other people. She is also very defensive...when you told her she was being rude, instead of asking why or even being a little concerned all she did was insult you! You don't need a friend like that!! You can try talking to her, but be prepared for her to be very defensive...Good Luck!
2007-02-22 9:17 am
Well anyone who uses syntax such as you do in every day speech i.e.:"sooo totally, like today, soo serious and soo rude," would have the stereo-type of being what is called a "valley-girl." And a valley-girl, which I am not saying that you are, is normally considered to be rude, obnoxious and usually deserving censure. So I would first look at the type of person this friend is and see whether or not she is worth befriending still... and also one should look into her own eyes and see if she is doing what is commonly known as "calling the kettle black."
2007-02-22 9:12 am
This is too easy. Your "friend" (not sure why you she is your friend) has low self esteem and is insecure. People who aren't confident in themselves are highly critical of others. It makes them feel better to know that others have flaws, like them. Next time she does it tell her "You know. You must be pretty insecure if you have to always rag on people. Watch it because if the tables were turned and folks started to talk about you, no one is going to come to your rescue, since you have alienated everyone." Give her something to think about.....
2007-02-22 9:12 am
Stay away from her. Sooner or later she will understand why every1 is ignoring her. Mayb then she will learn.
2007-02-22 9:11 am
STOP hanging out with her shes toxic. You are the company you keeps. So watch out and dont let her make people judge you.

You have other friends. soon you guys are going to end up talking about her behind her back and ditching her any way. ( i know because i have been in her and your shoes)

So tell her the truth and leave her alone for a while. IF she wants to be your friend she will know what she has to do. just let her know you dont hate her and your ready when shes ready to be a good person.
2007-02-22 9:11 am
Well. It's hard to make someone to change. It's better that you change yourself, which is to end the friendship.
2007-02-22 9:11 am
You don't deserve a friend like that! next time she says something rude ignore her and walk away! Show her don't tell her that it's not right! Hopefully she'll get the message and if she is to rude to do something about it I would say meet new people or hang out with your other friends! Good luck
2007-02-22 9:11 am
no offense, but this girl goes under the category.. *****. hahah you have two options kidd.

1) dump the girl. not a good friend becuase who knows.. she might turn on you and make fun of you sometime.

2) you care about her friendship, so join your friends together, sit her down and tell her its been bothering you guys. COMMUNICATE
2007-02-22 9:10 am
Tell her that your friendship isn't worth it if she's going to be rude. If she cares and values your friendship then she'll understand.
2007-02-22 9:09 am
if she is soooo mean then y do you hang ut with her????
dont hang with her anymore if you dont like her...duhhhhh...isnt it common scense???
2007-02-22 9:09 am
Your friend?

True Friends: Dont compare them selves to you espeicaly and how nice/kind they are to yo

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