
2007-02-22 7:17 am
買手提電話要注意d咩??洗唔洗試機? 點樣檢查? 係咪有保養ga?

回答 (3)

2007-02-22 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
睇清楚有無花... D 位接得好唔好... 摺機就睇下摺個位會唔會鬆! 因為哩D 野買左之後7日內都無得換ga
買個時要試下打電話, 睇下清唔清, 影相就試試鏡頭! 如果有sd card送ge就要check check 容量係咪佢指定個種, 仲要試下播歌個D, 鬧鐘,耳機接位!教唔教到大細聲etc...番屋企要試下可唔可以連接電腦
如果買日本機就要試清楚佢完全解晒lock未! 因為未解晒ge話會打唔到中文/睇唔到中文/用唔到sim咭!所以一定要試清楚喔, 就算有得換都會麻煩到自己啦!應該7 日內/10日內有得換的, 但某D 公司就規定哩幾日之內唔可以入歌/入圖等....
2007-02-22 7:28 am
Mainly functions, how many functions are available and what it can do. Tailor made services and requirements for corporations, companies and business, stores, department stores etc. A perfect taste and preference guiding electronic program or computer. For instance, a machine which stores and automatically keeps in store perfect color, sizes, touches, smell, perfect tones, perfect requirements for businesses and companies, corporations and factories etc. E.G. Toyota should always have the perfect smell of leather for one type or different type of interior of cars and the exterior matches with it perfectly. Functions are perfect inside of the cars. For instance computer installed and manualled driving functions, perfect tastes and sizes of cars for different type of people. e.g. girls suit smaller cars and guys should fit larger cars. the touches of leather should be set or chosen for different people with different tastes and touches. I'm Weileen Tong. From: House 4. Lot. 1977.sd2. Helena Heights. Fei Ngo Shan. Kln. Hong Kong.
參考: Weileen Tong.
2007-02-22 7:22 am
要注意好多野, 例如係行貨定水貨! model 新與舊! 同埋去多幾間比較吓個價錢! 最好去d大間架囉, 例如 叻x店, 雷x射! 或者有提供上台果d!

檢查就係睇吓部機係咪新, 有冇花痕, 打比d 固網電話e.g. 屋企試吓音質有冇嘈雜聲!

保養: 一般行貨機身保養一年, 電池半年

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