
2007-02-22 7:08 am
有無人食過Regene白滑去斑丸(保濕配方)? 係成塊面都美白到還是淡斑得呀?停食之後d斑會唔會出返來架?

aaleung, 請問你食左多少瓶? christinacwh, 請問你又食左多少瓶呢? 我想比較下...是否食用時間長短的關係... 請問個效果可以維持幾耐? 之後唔食會唔會打回原形先? 不過佢又話『10日均勻淨白,30日擊退色斑。』既, 係真唔係?! _" _i

回答 (2)

2007-02-22 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I bought 2 bottles and I will finish the 1st bottle 1 week later. I didn't find any difference at the moment but I will keep finish the 2nd bottle as well. I don't expect it will works in a short period of time, it's the same reason that you didn't get the black spots in a week. If it works within 2 months, it is reasonable to me.
參考: Self experience
2007-02-22 8:19 am


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