我eng syl b 合格,咁可唔可以做an air hostess呢..

2007-02-22 5:37 am

回答 (4)

2007-02-22 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Passing English Syl B is only 1 of the critical point to get to become a cabin crew... And there are many other critical point, which you will still not be accepted if you fail any of them...
First is of course your height... For cabin crew, all airlines will require their crew to be able to touch something at a height of 208cm by stretching your arm...
Then is English oral... Although you have passed English Syl B, but that doesnt mean that you got a great communication skill in English... For cabin crew, this is a important fact as well... Which they will test you during interview by speaking in English...
And now... Although their minimum requirement is still not too high as they accept applicants who dont have a degree... However, as there are many applicants who do hold a degree, it makes those who only got CE or AL not in as good position...
2007-02-23 5:29 am
which airline are you talking about? Certain airlines require a University degree, some a particular height/armreach, some swimming ability....

Forget about what is called "CX specialist", for s/he him/herself doesn't understand about the Cadet Pilot Programme requirement.
2007-02-22 8:24 pm
yes of course.

But, you need to reach up 208 cm for arm reach or CX's requirements. (For safety requirements. They measure your arm reach by having you remove your shoes and extend your arms above your head. Standing on tiptoe is allowed.)

Then, you will undergo a six week training.

For more information,
You must have the Right of Abode in Hong Kong;
Proficiency in reading and speaking Mandarin, English and Cantonese is essential;

Salary: @$10,000 including bonus, OT ...etc

I hope you can have a sucessful career with CX!

U can ask me for more details, please add: [email protected]
參考: CX specialist
2007-02-22 5:51 am
只要你有佢地架基本要求就可以apply呢份工!每間公司架要求都唔一樣,你自己去睇下人地架基本要求係咩野啦!其實你英文syll b合格都未必可以做到crew,人地有個更加重要架要求就係arm reach test 要掂到208cm (you can stand on tip toes), 呢個係民航處架要求(is for safety reason),若果呢個要求都做唔到架話,面試架機會都唔會有!

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