
2007-02-22 4:36 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-26 7:31 am
 如欲shut down xanga site, 請到<http://edit.xanga.com/shutdownquiz.aspx>, 之後會有3個選擇, 但其實該頁是想閣下明白shut down之後不可再用同一acc申請xanga, 所以只有當中一個選擇可以跳到下一頁, 如選其餘兩個答案, 會出現「Sorry, that's incorrect! Please review the info above and try again :-) You must select an answer to continue.」
 您必須按此次序點選才可shut down:
>1.I can't sign in and can't reuse my username.
>2.I can't read my old entries and can't post new ones.
>3.I can't view my Profile and can't view my Friends list.
2007-02-22 5:03 am

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