電池如何把chemical energy轉變成electrical energy??

2007-02-22 3:55 am
電池如何把chemical energy轉變成electrical energy?? 請解釋~thx

回答 (2)

2007-02-22 4:38 am
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參考: 自己
2007-02-22 4:13 am
Let me give you an example
Zinc electrode is placed into a beaker of zinc sulphate solution and copper electrode is placed into another beaker of copper (2) sulphate solution. The electrodes is connected by an external wire and the two ends of a salt bridge dipped into the two solutions. As zinc is at a higher position in the electrochemical series, therefore zinc loses electrons readily than copper. Electrons from zinc flow through the external conducting wire and go to the copper. Cu2+ gains electrons and stick onto the copper electrode. The mass of zinc electrode decreases and the mass of copper electrode increases. So, chemical energy changes to electrical energy.
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 23:42:06
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