
2007-02-22 3:28 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-22 11:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
not necessarily. There are risk factors for heart attack: family history, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, smoking, being male, and diabetes.

The characteristic of a typical heart attack is a central crushing chest pain, like someone sitting on you, and sometimes the pain goes to the neck, to the jaw, and to the arm(s).

When a heart attack happens, you may feel very unwell, out of breath, fast beating heart, feeling sick and dizzy.

The best thing for you is to see a doctor- just to make sure you are OK... and it will put my worried mind at rest.
參考: me
2007-02-24 12:01 am
2007-02-22 3:47 am
may be, you must body check, or you can buy Omega369 at Manning, it works for heart.:)
參考: mE

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