beauty and the beast 既 comments [10分] 急爆!!

2007-02-22 2:07 am
要beauty and the beast disney version 既正面既comments
70 Eng. THZ!!!

回答 (2)

2007-02-22 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The theme of this movie is that our love to others should not be limited by others appearance. This meaning causes a huge contradiction to the world we are living in. We emphasize in the first impression and appearance is for sure one of the big elements.

However, in this movie, at first the beauty was scared of the crual face of the beast and even tried so hard to get away from him. However, from time to time,s he started to know more about the beast. She started to understand him more and more. His kind heart finally melt the beauty's heart and they fell in love with each others.

I can say the beast turned to a prince after the kiss with the beauty is a bonus to tell that we cant judge others by only their appearance. Somtimes, when we know more of them, we can see another beautiful world of theirs.
參考: common sense
2007-02-22 2:17 am
The story is about a young beautiful woman who falls in love with a breast. The beast was rich and owned a big house and farmland in the forest. But he cannot obtain love from other peopl due to his appearance. Actually the beast is a prince who suffers from the curse of a witch. The beast needs a kiss from a true lover to solve the problem. Finally the couple live happily ever after!! I think the story is very romantic and suitable for children to read! And this story is also famous that it is used by the Disneyland.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:11:31
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