
2007-02-21 10:51 pm

回答 (4)

2007-02-21 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這種情況, 我覺得看中醫比較好..

check排卵??你用什麼方法 check?????
如果你是同體溫的方法, 其實係唔準
這種check排卵法, 係要起碼keep一年的每天定時體溫record才有效, 仲要跟醫生的分析同建議做才比較可靠, 唔係你一兩個月自己check個30日就得
所以我比較懷疑你所謂的check排卵, 如果你是check 血荷爾蒙就比較可信了

平時的飲食, 不食-->
凍食凍飲, 沒有茶or咖啡, 不煙不酒, 三餐定時又均衡, 作息定時, 做下運動
如有必要, 可食白鳳"阮",

睇個d女的中醫啦, 可能會比較幫到你, 因為她們都是比較理解女性
2007-02-21 11:04 pm
1. You must take good rest periodically not only once or twice. Stay relax and if possible have some hobbies that can help you to relax yourself.
2. Do some exercise especially those stretching like yoga or taiji. They are very nice to people who are too stressful and doing these exercises you would have self massage without paying money or asking for others' help.
3. I think Chinese medicine is good for you but you must be patient for it may take months to heal your problem. If you can take it, try acupuncture (針灸), it is very useful.
4. Don't try any medicine (even Chinese medicine), I don't think one or two herbs can help you. You need a Chinese Med doctor give you full assessment before give you any prescription.
5. It is very dangerous to take any contraceptive pills, don't take it except this is advised by the doctor and said that this is the only way.

wishing you good health
參考: Chinse acupunture student
2007-02-21 10:58 pm
2007-02-21 10:57 pm
建議一: 食避孕丸調經


建議二: 你可以去睇中醫, 問吓有咩食療可以調經, 咁佢會開一d啱你體質既俾你。通常中醫調經好過西醫。

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