
2007-02-21 10:46 pm

回答 (5)

2007-02-21 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: me
2007-02-21 11:25 pm

2007-02-21 11:18 pm
This is Weileen Tong. From: House 4. Lot.1977. sd2. Helena Heights. Fei Ngo Shan. Kln, Hong Kong. LIfe is a sad song. Tell you a real life story. My husband from last life or my lover from this life called William Chu proposed to me last May 14th; exactly a day before my little sister's birthday. That was the most special propose I have ever get in my whole life. He programmed my marketing and business project for me. I set it as a requirement that my future husband has to be one who programs my marketing and business project or innovation for me. He proposed by programming it. I am touched until now. I truly wish and pray and dream and hope that he can give me one more chance to let him see that i understood and I'm standing right here nodding to him and saying yes to him. It is made and set as a legal marriage already because I nodded. For this Willie Chu guy, no, he is a man already, I died 5 times for him. During the first time I was over-dozed. 2nd time, Buddha wanted to take me away, the 3rd time my breath was taken away by some elder sisters for 3 whole minutes, but Willie Chu had ways to call my soul back into my body, the 4th time I was in Taiwan for the vacation, some brothers and sisters took my breath away again for the whole night, I could only use my mouth to breathe. The 5th time my nose was totally blocked for my last day of vacation in Tai Pei., they took my breath away for a whole day and I'm still finding it weak and hard to breathe till right now. Elder sisters also took away my voice and my vocal skills that I learned all through my whole life. I don't really know where it went but they took away my nice voice, my perfect vocal skills my vocal ranges and expressions, my nice hair etc. my breath because they still want to kill me and murder me and make me die. However, no one is jumping out to save me these days at all. Elder sisters are so jealous of me they took away my voice and my vocal skills that I only care about all my life, and also my breathing is so weak until now and then. They also make me appear really bad looking with a small tummy etc. However, even when I am going through these pains I'm still standing up firm and climbing up again to face all these pains and terrible traumas,. I'm crazily hard working these days. Helping everyone, every business, every market, every store, every airline to plan new ideas and innovations so that they can improve and reach perfection soon. I promise myself and this world and my lover Willie Chu, right here, at this moment that I will never get marry if it is not Willie Chu. I love Willie Chu forever and ever.
參考: Weileen Tong
2007-02-21 11:00 pm
2007-02-21 10:53 pm

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