Physics about Newton's Law

2007-02-21 10:25 pm
Two trucks collide, P truck stopped (mass = 5500kg), Q truck (mass=3000kg) hit P. Then both trucks moved forward 30m after collision
Friction acting on trucks was 6000N

a) What was the speed of the trucks after collision
b)If the time of collision was0.05S. what was the force acting on truck P
c) what was the force acting on truck Q?
d) find the speed of truck Q before collision

回答 (2)

2007-02-21 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Two trucks collide, P truck stopped (mass = 5500kg), Q truck (mass=3000kg) hit P. Then both trucks moved forward 30m after collision
Friction acting on trucks was 6000N
a) What was the speed of the trucks after collision
F = (m + M)a
6000 = (5500 + 3000) a
a = 0.706ms-2
v2 = u2 + 2as
0 = u2 + 2(-0.706)(30)
u = 6.51ms-1

b)If the time of collision was0.05S. what was the force acting on truck P
v = u + at
6.51 = 0 + a(0.5)
a = 13.0ms-2
F = ma
= 5500x13
= 71500N

c) what was the force acting on truck Q?
71500N (方向和P所受的相反)

d) find the speed of truck Q before collision
F = ma
71500 = 3000a
a = 23.8ms-2
v = u + at
6.51 = u + (-23.8)(0.5)
u = 18.4ms-1
2007-02-26 9:17 am
F=ma , it is rule

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