How to prevent the kid from kicking the quilt ?

2007-02-21 9:19 pm
As my son always kicking the quilt during the night, so that he's easily got flu or cold for the next day.
Would you pls let me know how to prevent him from kicking the quilt during the night, so that I could have a good sleep during the night (as I need to help him covering the quilt again 4 or 5 times during the night, so that I didn't have enough sleep/deep sleep during the whole night).

回答 (1)

2007-02-22 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
有以下辨法, 不防一試.

1. 如果細過5,6歲, 到一些賣嬰兒物品的地方, 有些包肚用, 有貼的長布, 可包實肚仔, 避免著涼. 這些包肚用的布有不同size.

2. 如果是BB, 可穿著睡袍睡.

3. 到嬰兒用品店, 買一些專用夾, 夾著被的四角後, 綁著床邊. 或被不要蓋著雙腳.

不過, 可能蓋被後太熱, 你的BB才踼被, 因你驚BB著涼而給他太多衫, 所以要留意是否穿太多衫及天氣.

2007-02-25 10:31:05 補充:
如果6歲, 嬰兒用品店應該沒有適合用品防止踢被.惟有在睡房的溫度作出適當調節, 或穿足夠保溫的衣服, 或哄他用一些柔軟的攬枕, 讓他在睡眠有較大安全感, 可能有幫助. 被不要蓋著他的手和腳可防止踢被.

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