我有外國駕駛執照, 如果回港申請香港駕駛執照, 可否直接排期考試 !!??

2007-02-21 7:50 pm
我有外國駕駛執照, 自問技術都不錯, 不想再花時間和金錢在駕駛學院, 可不可以直接自己到政府部門申請 !!?? plzzz

回答 (2)

2007-02-22 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
詳細情形, 可以上以下網址.

2007-02-21 10:13 pm
First of all, have you got the foreign licence already? If you do, you can just simply go to Transportation Department to convert your foreign into HK's licence. You don't need to take any driving course neither writing test. On the other hand, if you didn't get licence from foreign, then you have to take writing and take a driving course from 駕駛學院!!!
Hope this can help you!
參考: I got a licence from Canada

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