
2007-02-21 7:40 pm

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2007-02-21 7:49 pm
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Characteristics of Chinese New Year Foods

Food categories


Food additives potentially used


Steamed Puddings

There are two main types of steamed puddings- sweet and savoury.
Sweet pudding consists of flour, sugar, with or without vegetables or coconut milk
Salty pudding consists of flour, preserved meat, turnip or taro

Preservatives may be present; colouring matter may be added to give a festive appearance
Sweet puddings –
New Year Pudding
Coconut New Year Pudding(椰汁年糕)
Savoury puddings –
Turnip Pudding
Taro Pudding (芋頭糕)

Fried Dumplings

Deep-fried pastries, with or without fillings
Preservatives may be present; colouring matter may be added to give a festive appearance
Sesame Balls (煎堆)
Sesame Cookies
Crispy Triangles (油角)
Deep Fried Taro
Rosettes (糖環)

Sweetened fruits and vegetables
(糖果類) (8)

Fruits and vegetables are sliced, cooked in sugar syrup and dried.
Preservatives are generally present; colouring matter may be added
Lotus seed (糖蓮子)
Melon (糖冬瓜)
Water Chestnut
Lotus Root (糖蓮藕)
Coconut Slice (糖椰絲)

Glutinous Rice Balls (湯圓類)
Made of glutinous flour filled with sweet paste which consists of sesame seeds, and peanuts inside.
Preservatives may be present
Sesame/Peanut Glutinous Dumplings

Seeds (瓜子類)
Seeds are fried/dried, with or without the addition of colours
Colouring matter may be present
Red Melon Seed
Black Melon Seed
White Melon Seed

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