Help me!!!! I like a Boy

2007-02-21 7:34 pm
其實我之前去camp都鍾意佢,becoz我哋玩a game時,我哋兩個隻手拖得好實(only us),我好似觸電咁鍾意咗佢

now,我平時係坐佢隔離,我地都幾少talk in class(we are very gd students!!!!)。不過有時大家一齊玩吓、鬧交。有一次上IS堂(I am in a group with him),有個女仔玩Wind power,我太受不住而笑咗出嚟,當望到佢,佢又比我感染咗(laughing)。嗰刻,我覺得我地好夾....
仲有,我英文堂同佢細佬坐最後,佢就坐隔離行最前,佢有陣時望過嚟,我好多時同佢對望,I don't know wt to do.....
other things:(rubbish)我地兩個都係全班頭1/3(he told me that)
Will he like me????What should I do???

回答 (4)

2007-02-21 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well...if he really didn't let your hand go on the game..
i mean like..hold tight...that's good for you guys..
because if a guy doesn't like a girl...he won't even hold a girl's hand..
except for she's really hot or something...
i have a old are you??cause from what you wrote that guy sounds like a American though...
maybe you guy really have things in common!!
you could smile at him next times when you guy對望!! should give him a little hint to let him know something about it..
why don't you do something in valentine's day..
sometime you can just give him a little gift..for a surprise... just got to do to him more...
like the kinda heart to heart..
it's so good to talk to him on the beach>V
2007-03-02 6:10 am
I think he will like you,you should try to talk to him after class or after school,just keep contatct with him always,so you can get closer with him
2007-02-21 8:13 pm

2007-02-21 12:14:16 補充:
2007-02-21 8:08 pm
呢﹗這就是所謂有feel喇。雖然有啲人是情感太豐富﹐當遇到心宜的人更會有特別感覺﹐但so what, 如果自己覺得啱feel不妨試吓﹐可能對方亦有同感﹐現代男女關係都唔介意女追男抑或男追女架喇﹗放開那些世俗眼光﹐俾自己多些主動﹐可能有意想不到的收獲都唔定﹗

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