
2007-02-21 6:54 pm
Your hrend,Simon,went shopping with his mun before Christmas.Write story in about 80 word.

a.shopping / department store
b."Clever Robot" / Christmas present
c.finish / homework / press the button

最佳創作會加10分,係10分呀!= ='''

回答 (1)

2007-02-21 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My friend Simon went to shopping with his mum before Christmas. They went to a big department store which was near their home. Simon’s mum promised to buy a toy for Simon as his Christmas present. Finally, Simon chose a toy named “Clever Robot”. This robot could help him finish his homework. During Christmas time, Simon played all day. He pressed the button of the robot and let it did his homework. He regretted when his went back to school after the holiday. It was because all the homework was done badly by the robot. Finally, he needed to redo all his homework. (103 words)

參考: Written by me (Please send the comment of your teacher to me if you choose this one.)

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