我要轉做英文 快 急 10分 thx

2007-02-21 5:24 pm
我很喜歡看電視 我最喜愛的節目是itv的煮食頻道 為什麼我會特別喜愛這個節目
因為這個頻道會教授很多書本以外的知識 就好似教整甜品 蛋糕 果凍 每個地方的名菜 地方小食 食物的曆史 等 自從我看了這個節目後 我對整甜品就起了興趣 而且我現在已經學會了20多種甜品 這就是我喜歡的原因


回答 (2)

2007-02-21 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I love watching TV very much. My favourite TV channel is the one about cooking. You may ask me why I like this channel more than all the others. I can tell you that it is because this channel teaches us a lot knowledge and skills outside books. Sometimes we may not understand the words or the meanings in cook books. Whereas on shows, the cook would cook everything for us to see, and this serves as a good example for us. For example, the channel may teach us how to make desserts, jellies, and famous dishes from different coutries. It also tells us about the history of different food. After watching these shows, I became interested in making desserts. I have now learnt to make more than 20 different desserts. This is why I like watching TV, especially cooking shows.
因為唔夠字數,我幫你加多左一句 (藍色)。
2007-02-21 5:36 pm
I love watching TV very much. My favourite programme is ITV's cookery programme. Why do I love this programme? Because it tells us the knowledge which the books haven't, such as how to make desserts, cakes, jellies, the most popular dish of each city, typical food and food' history. After I watched this programme, I have the interestes to make desserts. I also learnt making about 20 desserts. That's the reason why I like it.

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