紅封包係red pocket定red packet

2007-02-21 3:51 pm
紅封包係red pocket定red packet>???

回答 (3)

2007-02-21 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
red packet ah. trust me.

From Wikipedia: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_packet)
A red envelope or red packet (Traditional Chinese: 紅包; Simplified Chinese: 红包; pinyin: hóng bāo) is a monetary gift which is given in Chinese society. The name comes from the red envelope in which the money is contained. It is called lai si (also transcribed lai see) (利是, 利市 or 利事) in Cantonese.

From China Online: (http://chineseculture.about.com/library/weekly/aa_03red_packet_a.htm)
A Red Packet (Red Envelope) is simply a red envelope with money in it, often decorated with lucky symbols, which symbolizes luck and wealth. It is called Hong Bao in Chinese.
2007-02-24 1:14 am
red packet
2007-02-21 5:50 pm
係red pocket.....ar.....

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