
2007-02-21 11:38 am
唉....今日玩runescape...見到個人(user: Sportman353)話sell rune2h sword
50k, 我見之前d post話多數都要60k, 咪好努力咁賺錢....
打左幾個鐘hill giants賣big bones,又要打雞燒做食物, 雖然辛苦d...
但係抱住可以用rune2h sword既心情都冇乜所謂la...都係玩下jei..
玩到凌晨3點先儲夠50k, 去左Varrock同佢買...點知佢賣左mithril rune2h俾我...
佢好奸ga...仲話個game有故障...佢叫我俾左50k佢..佢俾mithril rune2h我先...
跟住走左 sad....
希望d moniter會幫佢忙啦...

大家有咩方法提議下??thx a lot~

回答 (5)

2007-02-22 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 如果RuneScape有故障,RuneScape homepage一定會有通知。
2. Rune 2h 基本上係大概45k。
3. 小心低le o個d,通常如果他們是光頭,綠色褲,淺綠色上衣,level-3,賣rune o野,都要小心,通常都是用外掛(破壞第七條規矩)賺錢,然後去scam人。
4. 係second trade window睇真d。
5. 萬一真係o甘o吾好彩,比人scam,click落Report Abuse(熒幕下面o個欄),report o個人,然後click落 rule 2: Item Scamming。

trade ge時候現在chat window o個度記下個trader個名,起碼萬一他scam你都有名report。

2007-02-22 15:39:56 補充:
我係Scammer-Hunting Clan阿頭...... 有咩關於RuneScape rules ge o野再e-mail我啦!

2007-02-22 20:19:16 補充:
大佬你邊度搵人1gp 賣 phat 比你啊?

2007-02-22 20:20:24 補充:

2007-03-02 21:10:38 補充:
發覺到scammer之後我建議用Public Chat警告一下其他人。
2007-02-27 6:15 am
Me in runescape gave people scam a lot of time.
自從俾 people scam once, i every time will look dozens of times at the second time accepting.

Once, i am buying a black (t) plate body, i gave a girl 30k, she gave me the plate body, but when second time i didn't look closely, she game me a blakc (t) sheild only! And i told her to give me back my money and i give back the plate body, but she act like she can't see what am i saying to her! I was so angry, but al last i think: never mind la!( at that time i still don't know how to report other people)

Another once, i was selling a adam (g) skirt for 40k, a person gave me 1000k( 1m), i was too happy and forgot to look closely at the second time accepting, so i accept, and i only get 10k! He changed the money right away when i accept the first time to 10k.

But now, if people scam me again, i will report them right away! You need to click the report abuse at the right hand corner of the runesape screen, and then type in the usename of the scammer and click" Item scamming", and then you report him already g la!

( I have too many times give people scam, so i don't say too may examples la)
2007-02-22 11:51 pm
1.都係係第二個trade window度睇清楚
2.就算你買個rune 2h都買貴咗少少 la~(it's 45~50k)
3.ianccw19961006講廢話,咩平唔好買,咁D 人 sell party hat 1gp 又唔買 ya?!?
同埋D scammer將D price升高D咪得 lol!又易上當!
5.個game有故障係main page會登ga ma!


佢成唔成功都可以report佢第二條:item scamming

2007-02-23 11:13:26 補充:
以下內容不關系到問題:D pure noob (唔係指問題者,請放心)sell佢 1gp 唔德ga?
2007-02-22 6:39 pm
Be careful. Install Antivirus. runescape is boring.
2007-02-21 10:06 pm
你要小心,我個friend都係在騙人,佢把(broze broken axe) notic o左,然後當rune broken axe賣10k


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