
2007-02-21 11:10 am
有無一D pokemon pc game 係好好玩and 唔洗錢 , 除佐 GBA ?

回答 (2)

2007-02-21 4:15 pm
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2007-02-22 08:20:23 補充:
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007020601986You can look gor more

2007-02-22 08:20:52 補充:
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007020601986You can look for more
2007-02-27 5:52 am
I only know 2 pokemon pc games.
The first one is Pokemon Crater.
In this site, there are all kinds of maps, go to the one you like to go to and then walk around. If you saw a wild pokemon and want to capyure it, u must fight the wild pokemon useing your own pokemon until the wild pokemons hp is under 16. And then you can train it to 100 lvl and fight gym leaders or even the two sets of Elite Four, Or you could even catch some legendary pokemons too.

My username is livylee, what's yours?

The second is called TPPCROG.
This is a totally different pokemon game from pokemon crater. But there are maps too, you can click on the map you want to go and you will see a picture. Click anywhere in the picture and you will meet some pokemons. You don;t need to fight to capture it, just click " catch" and then you will get that pokemon. In pokemon crater, all pokemons
highest lvl is 100, but this pokemon game doesn't have the highest lvl, your pokemon can be even more than a 1000 lvl. There are gym leaders to fight too in this pokemon game.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 20:55:05
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