
2007-02-21 8:48 am
我依家F.6,想讀Business,國為美國D U好出名,所以想去!
How much?

回答 (1)

2007-02-21 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it depends you want to go to private school or public school (of course private school are much more expensive)

top business school is U of Penn (private), U of So. California is not a bad choice too (private)
other top public school includes U of California - Berkeley, U of Michigan- Ann Arbor, U of illnois-urban champange, U of texas - austin

private school usually cost more than $35000 per year for tuition, EXCLUDING rent, expenses,
public school varies according to states, for example Berkeley is around $25000 per year, while UT austin is around $20000

but most of them should be around this cost

it really depends how "leisure" you want for your college life

美國大學係計學分, 分quarter system大學(3 quarters per year) and semester (2 semesters per year)
修bachelor degree min. 要180分for quarter system and 120分for semester system
通常每個quarter on average修15分, 如果你想快d讀完就修多d分

我有朋友趕住3年畢業毎個quarter修up to 20 units,

海外學生minimum每個quarter要12units, 如果你唔想太趕都可以12 12 咁讀....5年又得6年又得....總之你想讀幾耐就幾耐...

香港學生大部份都係先入community college修夠90分(大部份人讀2年), 跟住就報4年大學,
係community college收既90分應該可以transfer去4年大學, 所以transfer完之後再讀2年就可以畢業

美國本地高中生入大學前都要考SAT, 但在香港完成中學的話, 直接考入4年大學可以好難同埋SAT唔會太好
所以都suggest你入community college 先

community college既advantage係學費平同易讀d, 其實同4年大學冇咩分別

我自已覺得唯一唔同既就係community college感受唔到大學氣氛, 不過其他讀書方面都冇乜大分別

生活費方面, 當然加州最貴, 每月租房可以US$700,
其他州如texas比較平, US$200-300 per month都可以

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