放棄香港大學degree 移民到美國升學

2007-02-21 8:17 am

visa deadline為6月, 舉家將4月頭離開香港
(畢竟美國讀書環境更好, 選擇更多)

我想問, 有那些網站可給參考呢

有幾個問題. 希望各位幫幫手

1. 要不要先考TOFEL呢? 收費如何? 考試地點?? 資格?

2. 兩年前小弟alevel成績: 1C1D UE:D 可不可以以香港高考成績去報考美國大學呢

3. 是不是要到美國從新來過, 到社區大學讀兩年後才駁上美國大學??

究竟須不須要考TOEFL的呢? 剛剛到TOEFL網站Search過, 發覺香港已經冇得考 澳門都要四月尾先有得考.... 咁我係唔係冇得讀架啦?? 美國果邊有冇得考架??

回答 (3)

2007-02-21 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would strongly disagree with doing so. A Bch degree is a Bch degree, if you only need one more year to get it you should keep going until you graduate (unless your performance is so poor that you cannot graduate). Having a Bch degree opens so many more opportunities, you can get into another U programe directly, or you may even be considered for a Master degree program if you have good TOEFL and GRE scores. But anyway, I'll go ahead and answer you question:

1. 要不要先考TOFEL呢? 收費如何? 考試地點?? 資格?
TOEFL is only required if you are (i) non-US citizen, and (ii) not from a country with English as primary language. If you fit both the first one, you should take TOEFL. The cost is US$170 per test, and the center is in Sun Po Kong. For more information, go here:

2. 兩年前小弟alevel成績: 1C1D UE:D 可不可以以香港高考成績去報考美國大學呢
That I am not sure of. But you can ask the university.

3. 是不是要到美國從新來過, 到社區大學讀兩年後才駁上美國大學??
Mostly depends on your English competency. You can get into most community colleges and graduate with an associate degree, then you may be able to apply for other university (depends on your interest and financial abundance) and get into the third year. (US has 4-year system). Notice that some community college would put you to an Eng placement test first and consider if you can start the degree program right away, if you performed too poorly, they may require you to study ESL (English as Second Language) program first. Here is a list of most community colleges in the US, check with them:


Again, it's doable but I will never recommend it. Especially you are only one year away from graduation. Consider stay in HK for another year and get the degree first, that may put you in a more comfortable situation.
2007-03-08 4:29 am

2007-02-21 8:34 am
1. You dont have to if you're a citizen or a Green Card holder. If you're 移民 to United States then I dont think you have to.

2. It's ok.

3. They might need you to. Because they think that you would have more time to get used to the studying enviroment if you go back to a lower form and start. everyone has a 4-year university life there. You will have the first graduation after you finished the first 2 years in 社區大學, then u get an associate degree. When you finished the last 2 years u get a bachelor degree. But they might let u just study 2 years and get the bachelor degree, it depends on the school rules.
參考: experience

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