Exercising daily for 2 weeks but gaining a pound a day? WHAT?!?

2007-02-20 9:22 am
I was so depressed when i stepped on the scale today and saw a horrible number, i have been exercising every single day for 2 weeks, burning 500 calories daily and doing 15 minutes of 5 pound weights for toning, and a katami routine (for abs) at 25 mins and it seems like everyday the scale goes up a pound, its so frustrating and depressing i dont know whats wrong with me. Im not eating anymore than i used to when i was maintaining weight, i dont know whats wrong and its heart breaking to me, what am i doing wrong? is this just common when you start working out? please any advice would be good

i dont feel better, and my clothes do not fit better, i think i look heavier which is just so frustrating! but it makes me want to exercise more, i feel like i should get up now at 430 in the morning and do it.


im running on a treadmill and stationary bike for 500 cals, or 45 mins. i think thats calorie burning.

回答 (9)

2007-02-20 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
the weight that you have gained is muscle weight, and muscle is weight more than fat. That is why you have gained weight. Your weight will start going down few weeks later. remember lift weight to lose weight and don't forgot to take protein supplement to help your muscle recover.
參考: personal experience
2007-02-20 9:08 pm
The exercises you listed are not really aerobic or calorie burning, so that's part of the issue. You need something that raises your heartrate significantly like jogging, cycling, swimming, or elliptical machine. Even if they were, two weeks is not long enough to have any impact unless you were doing more than a couple of hours a day.

Its not additional muscle as some here have stated. Two weeks isn't even a fraction of the time needed to build noticeable muscle mass.

If you are gaining weight, you must have changed SOMETHING in your diet. Pounds don't magically appear out of nowhere. An additional pound requires an extra 3500 calories. That's quite a bit.

The only other possibility is you're at a point in your cycle where you're retaining water.

Edited: Noting the 500 calories per day of aerobic activity, yes you should start to see some results soon, but again, 2 weeks is much too short a time to see measurable weight loss. No, you are not offsetting weight loss with increase in muscle. The workouts you are doing will not increase muscle mass significantly, especially in such a short time.

You're doing the right things for long term, maintainable results. Just keep it up and have patience.
2007-02-20 5:34 pm
You should consult a fitness instructor and ask him/her to make a program for you. The how and when are you going to achieve your objective depends upon you with proper guidance from fitness instructor to avoid bad posture and physical injury.
2007-02-20 5:57 pm
you have tried all different things but still not satisfied just click this link and try out the product offered in it. I am sure you will definitely get what you are searching for.
2007-02-20 5:33 pm
sounds like your just building muscle. REMEMBER muscle weighs more than fat. If your clothes are fiting better and your looking better, then your doing good. DON'T WORRY! Like the other girl said messure your self and if your smaller everything is fine. From the sounds of it, its muscle gain wich is a good thing!!!! Good luck and hang in there im sure your doing great~
2007-02-20 5:32 pm
you're building muscle mass. curiously muscle is heavier than fat. muscle is dense, fat is not.
2007-02-20 5:32 pm
Lesli is probably right. You are losing fat but gaining muscle. Since muscle weighs more than fat, even a slight increase in muscle density will counteract your fat loss.
2007-02-20 5:27 pm
You are probably gaining muscle. Why don't you try taking your measurements instead and focusing on how you feel and look instead of what the scale says? Realistically if you're doing that much exercise the last thing you should worry about is gaining fat. Keep working on it! You're doing great so far.

If you're yahoo picture is your pic then you don't look overweight, so I bet you're just getting some muscle. Grrr! strong girl! lol

EDITED: How many calories are you taking in daily? Try eating lots of small healthy meals throughout the day, and doing cardio in between meals. Maybe give the weights a break and just run/walk/etc. See if that works? Also, 24 hour fitness offers personal trainers that can help you with your specific goals if you have the money for it.

Hope you're able to reach your goals =)
2007-02-21 9:30 am
its becuase youre a fat loser. and just becuase a show isnt a fashion show, you still wanna look good. judging by your defualt, you probably spend hours in front of the mirror every day. youre such a hypocrite, and its really obnoxious. besides, i hate boy bands and rap music. its my friend, and his band is probably not your taste. so why dont you just smear on some lipgloss, grab a zero calorie rice cake, and leave the philosophical people like me alone.

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