
2007-02-21 7:51 am


回答 (3)

2007-02-21 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The first important part is you MUST have IELTS over 6.0/6.5. Otherwise, no university would accept your application.


For junior high school/ high school: just reference by your school and your exam results.
For foundation/ college: IELTS result is indeed. Also, you must show your HKCEE/ HKAL or any dip/cert results.
For university: IETLS result over 6.0/6.5 is MUST. High school result, HKAL and dip results are must. However, they usually will request you to do one year for adv. dip. or repeat Year 12 for university perparation.

Also, financial status (to show that you have around HK$100,000 for savings + current + FD) and health checking.
2007-02-21 9:08 am
你o既外國係只邊度 ..
more informations needed...

係英國o既話 .. 又中1 至中5 都唔雖要符合d咩野資格 ..
但係就唔可以咁差 .. 唔可以全部都唔合格 ..

中5 o既 gcse 對升中六有影響 .. 好的學校雖求全部合格 ..
or .. 6 個 c 以上等 .. it is the matter of the college/school ..
2007-02-21 8:43 am

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