
2007-02-21 7:21 am

回答 (7)

2007-02-22 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
幾十蚊o係英文係冇直譯. 最近會係譯做"十leng廿鈫"
eg.A: How much was your shirt?
B: I don't remember exactly. I think it was around ten, twenty dollars?
留意B答A 嘅問題係唔肯定佢件衫係幾多錢.所以講野個tone會高音+係問號尾

幾萬蚊亦都係冇直譯.講法同幾十蚊係一樣.不過要轉講 "ten, twenty thousand" or "ten, twenty grand"

其實唔一定係ten 或twenty.可以講thirty, forty咁...不過記住唔可以講兩個分開嘅number
eg. 唔可以講thirty, fifty dollars. 一定要係 twenty, thirty OR thirty, forty.

I hope this helps~
參考: me!!
2007-02-21 11:30 am
幾十蚊:about few bucks
幾萬蚊:around ten thousand
2007-02-21 8:36 am
幾十蚊: a few bucks.
幾萬蚊: several grands.
參考: myself.
2007-02-21 7:45 am
幾十蚊:about ten dollars
幾萬蚊:about millions dollars
參考: 自己
2007-02-21 7:36 am
幾十蚊: A few tens of dollars

幾萬蚊: A few tens of thousands of dollars
2007-02-21 7:33 am
2007-02-21 7:33 am
我估 :
幾十蚊 = dozens of dollars
幾萬蚊 = dozens of thousand

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