
2007-02-21 6:23 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-21 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
I dont have the exact answer for you but if you could read an article, lets say, of a newspaper that you dont have to look at the dictionary for most of the words, I guess you are good enough. You have sufficient vocabularies to handle many day to day reading and conversation.

It is the way how I practice my English in my daily life. After some interesting conversation, I will try to play a mind game to translate it into English. When I come across a sentence in Chinese particularly, I will think how it would be like if I have to write it in English. Similarly, when I am writing a sentense in English, I will try many other ways to present the same idea using different sentense structures and different words. Make your learning interesting in your daily life is important.

Good luck.
2007-02-21 8:30 am
其實唔需要花太多時間學深字.你留意下外國人日常既溝通,or睇戲,用字都唔深,易明.偶然只有1or 2個到.
你想識多d生字你首先要多用,就算學幾多都冇用.我對作文冇咩興趣,但我會成日上外國forum玩.我識字唔係太多,主要係日常口語既字,同埋,建議你用多dphrasal verbs,好用又easy,重有idioms,proverbs呢d都係成日用到
2007-02-21 8:10 am
i think at lest more than a 200 la
i am a frist fromer
and i knew quiet a lot
so yes this i swhat i can tell u

參考: my self

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