I wanna to take IIQE...

2007-02-21 3:56 am

I would like to take IIQE, anyone has taken the exams, please reply.....

1.What are the difficulty levels of each paper?
2.About how long should I spend on studying each paper?
3.I am a Statistics graduate and learnt some basic insurance theories in degree courses (but mainly on calculation….), does it help?
4.Where can I download the pass papers online (free is the best)?


回答 (4)

2007-02-21 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Paper 1、3 考保險的基本 Concept;2 考資料較多;4 就最容易
合格率在這裡: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007021005207

2. 大概溫 1~3 日就 ok

3. IIQE 考的,都是 concept 為主。計數就很少,反而證券試就需要計數了……

4. 沒有機構出 Past Paper 的,因為考試的題目是不能帶走。但其實都有方法得到有關的題目,我有不同的 past paper,如需要的話,請聯絡本人。

2007-02-24 15:42:17 補充:
我將有關的 past paper upload 左上網,請往這裡「單撈」:Paper 1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xqcq2zPaper 2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lx5qg6Paper 3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bxsfsiPaper 4: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z28pf0我沒有 paper 5,事關之前把正本借左比人,佢仲未還比我,所以我不能將之 scan 成為 files~~加油!
2007-02-21 7:21 am
Hi there
1. Personally, I think Paper 2a is the most difficult. But if you wanna start a career in insurance, Paper 1 and 2b are basics, if you wanna sell investment linked products as well, need to take 2c as well. Paper 5 is for those who wanna participate in MPF as well. Difficulty of each paper ma, that's very subjective. I think all are not difficult really.
2. Depends on your study habit. I am those who "grap Budda's leg last minute". so didn't use much time to study. I went to revision classes organized by my company (usually several hours on each paper), then studied and did past papers for half day or 1 day for each paper. passed at one go. some colleagues who are not exam type of person need to study longer.
3. Not sure what you've studied in your degree. but since I didn't have any background on insurance at U but still could pass all at one go, guess it shouldn't be a problem for you.
4. I don't know where to get pass papers online but I know our company does have pass papers for candidates who are interested to join us. Do you wanna enrol to our classes, it's free of charge and there's no obligation for joining us. if you're interested, please send me a mail at lamtess@yahoo.com.hk and I'll arrange it for you.
Teresa (Manulife)

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