
2007-02-21 3:24 am
(1)三角形ABC中點B(1,0),C(5,0) ,頂點A在第一象限,且三角形ABC的內角B,C滿足tanB+tanC=3 ,求三角形ABC面積的最大值.

(2)寫出函數 y=(cosx)^2-cosx+2 的递增和递減區間.

(3)若三角形ABC三邊長a,b,c成等比數列 ,且sinB+cosB=k ,求k的取值范圍.


回答 (2)

2007-02-21 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
(Please draw a diagram if you cannot understand below.)
Side BC = 4
Let P be a point on BC such that AP┴BC.
Let BP = x, then CP = 4 - x.
Also, let AP = height = h.
 tan B = h / x
 tan C = h / (4 - x)
 tan B + tan C = [h / x] + [h / (4 - x)]
        = 4h / [x (4 - x)]
Now, tan B + tan C = 3.
 4h / [x (4 - x)] = 3
 h = (3/4) x (4 - x)
  = (-3/4) [(x - 2)² - 4]
  = (-3/4) (x - 2)² + 3
h(max) = 3 , as -(x - 2)≤0 for any x.
maximum area = ½ (4) (3) = 6.

Q.2 and Q.3 follow below...

2007-02-20 21:49:24 補充:
Q.2y = cos² x-cos x+2 = (cos x-½)²+7/4As x increases from (2nπ) to (2nπ+π/3), (cos x) decreases from 1 to ½ and, y decreases from 2 to 7/4.As x increases from (2nπ+π/3) to (2nπ+π), (cos x) decreases from ½ to -1 and, y increases from 7/4 to 4.

2007-02-20 21:49:46 補充:
Q.2 contd:As x increases from (2nπ+π) to [2(n+1)π-π/3], (cos x) increases from -1 to ½ and, y decreases from 4 to 7/4.As x increases from (2(n+1)π-π/3] to [2(n+1)π], (cos x) increases from ½ to 1 and, y increases from 7/4 to 2.

2007-02-20 21:53:47 補充:
Q.2 contd:In other words,y is increasing for (2nπ+π/3)<x<(2nπ+π) and (2(n+1)π-π/3]<x<[2(n+1)π],y is decreasing for (2nπ)<x<(2nπ+π/3) and (2nπ+π)<x<[2(n+1)π-π/3],for any integer n.

2007-02-20 22:05:39 補充:
Sorry, no idea yet for Q.3.Would you mind opening a new thread for Q.3?I believe someone here can answer you there.
2013-11-21 8:45 pm

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