Maths questions (Thx!)

2007-02-21 3:14 am
1. A hawker uses $192 to buy 12 dozens of apples. Then he sells the apples at $1.5
(a) Find the profit per cent when all the apples are sold.
(b) After x apples are sold, he sells the rest at $1 each.
(i) If x = 84, find the profit or loss per cent.
(iI) If the loss per cent is 50 over 3 % (16又3份之2%), find the value of x.

回答 (1)

2007-02-21 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

= 12 dozens of apples
= (12 * 12) apples
= 144 apples

Revenue of 144 apples
= (144 * $1.5)
= $216

Cost of 144 apples = $192

Profit per cent
= [(216 - 192) / 192] * 100%
= 12.5%

(i). Revenue of 84 (x) apples
= (84 * $1.5)
= $126

Remaining apples
= (144 - 84) apples
= 60 apples

Revenue of the remaining apples
= (60 * $1)
= $60

Revenue of 144 apples
= $126 + $60
= $186

Profit/loss per cent
= [(186 - 192) / 192] * 100%
= -3.125%

That is, the revenue has a loss of 3.125%.


Let x be the no. of apples which are sold at $1.5 each
= 1.5x

Let (144 - x) be the no. of apples which are sold at $1 each
= 1 (144 – x)
= 144 – x

Revenue of 144 apples
= 1.5x + (144- x)
= 144 + 0.5x

Cost of 144 apples
= $192

{[(144 + 0.5x) – 192] / 192} * 100% = - (50 / 3) %
{[(144 + 0.5x) – 192] / 192} = [- (50 / 3)] / 100
{[(144 + 0.5x) – 192] / 192} = - (50 / 300)
{[(144 + 0.5x) – 192] / 192} = - (1 / 6)
[(144 + 0.5x) – 192] = - (1 / 6) * 192
[(144 + 0.5x) – 192] = - 32
0.5x – 48 = - 32
0.5x = - 32 + 48
0.5x = 16
x = 32

32 apples which are sold at $1.5 each,
112 apples (144 – 32) which are sold at $1 each

Total revenue
= (32 * $1.5) + (112 * $1)
= $160


Round angles = 360 degrees

5 / 9 round angles
= [(5 / 9) * 360] degrees
= 200 degrees

4 / 3 round angles
= [(4 / 3) * 360] degrees
= 480 degrees

Right angles = 90 degrees

7 / 3 right angles
= [(7 / 3) * 90] degrees
= 210 degrees
參考: Me

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