✔ 最佳答案
1) moment
2) electronics
3) stationary wave
4) pressure and gas law
5) kinetic theory
6) spherical mirror
7) machines
8) moving coil galvanometer
this is 1995-2004's syllabus
and starts from 2005...this is new syllabus
and the above answer is very right
2005's paper is relatively easy
however, the new question setting method emphasize on theory
not calculations
so you should bear in mind those theory and concepts
also the experiments
questions with asterisks will increase in number!!!!!!!!!
but i still recommend you do the 2005 paper
as i am 2005CE candidate and i know that the questions are veyr tricky
and the experiment are actually not easy
thus i still recommend you do that one
2007-02-20 17:50:34 補充:
順勢講講下列topics係新ge:heat transfer processnoiseX-RAY而2005同2006都係冇咩出過
2007-02-20 21:21:00 補充:
呀仲有呀ticket tape timer仲係in syllabus但係唔會出禁滯而家多左data logger而睇data logger所plot出黎的圖係新的同in ge出也會出好多