"住宿服務" 的英文係乜呀

2007-02-20 10:09 pm
"住宿服務" 的英文係乜呀?
Please Help

回答 (7)

2007-02-20 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案

是 Hostels for the elderly



Hostels for the Elderly


Hostels for the Elderly provide communal living accommodation, programme activities and round the clock staff support for elders who are capable of self-care.
2007-03-20 7:04 am
should be nursery house
2007-02-21 7:12 am
Nursing home or rest home 是指老人院, 因大部份入住的老人家需人照顧, 所以會有看護或護士, 但視乎個別老人院的設施而定。 在美加有一些nursing home 是租住單位形式, 有點像酒店或宿舍, 但會有護士當值以防萬一。 近年在美國有很多人會用retirement home 來指一些只租/售給老人家住的房子或單位, 與你所指的住宿服務相近。
參考: myself
2007-02-20 10:22 pm
老人院的住宿服務可以解作 a rest home, an old folks' home or an elderly care service!!!
參考: YAHOO 字典
2007-02-20 10:20 pm
elderly accommodation
2007-02-20 10:18 pm
Residential care services for the elderly
2007-02-20 10:16 pm
應該係Elderly Home Service,希望可以幫到你!
參考: ME

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