
2007-02-20 8:07 pm
Donald Tsang & Alan Leung, who will u vote for & why?
plz write a paragraph about your choice and explain why.
(not less than 100 words)(in ENG.)

回答 (4)

2007-03-02 5:27 am
good idea!
2007-02-21 6:15 am

2007-02-20 8:18 pm
I would vote for neither one, on the assumption that the electorate is composed of 800 people plus me.

Election should be an action to present the will of Hongkong people, particular to the will to help the weaken group of Hongkong. It is not possible to help weaken group by such an elitism political system. While it is unjust to legitimize this political system, casting an invalid vote or no vote can speak this fact out.

While Donald Tsang paid a lot of time to work as a civil servant, he has very little experience as a politican. His political ideology is nearly empty. His speech is nearly nilihism, which means that he has little advocation and lack leadership. It could make him a good civil servant but a horrible politican.

Alan Leung might be a better choice, but as I said, casting an invalid vote is better unless the election is universal and open to public, but at that time, I am confident that we can get other and better candidate instead of nilihistic candidates.

2007-02-20 12:28:01 補充:
如果大家不明白什麼叫虛無主義 (nihilism),參考陳水扁的主張便知道。
2007-02-20 8:17 pm
For this, I'll vote for Donald Tsang.

For this, I have several reasons. First of all, we had to find a leader who is supported by PRC government. PRC government currently have some policy that can improve our economy. If Alan Leung has become the Chief Executive of HKSAR government, they will stop these policy so that the economy will become worse.

Secondly, Alan Leung lack of experience to deal with social problems. He was a barrister. Donald Tsang did several things that satisfly by most of the HK people like reducing tax, stop the investor to destroy our economy......

In conclusion, I have confidence to believe that Donald Tsang can lead us to a better future.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:43:24
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