英文既 "應該" 系咩英文牙?????

2007-02-20 6:19 pm

回答 (7)

2007-02-20 6:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
should=應該, 將要

ought=應該; 應當; 總應該

ought to=應該

be supposed to=應該, 被期望

behoovebehove=理應, 應該,理所當然
2007-02-20 8:35 pm
I think is
should, ought to, must, have, shall
參考: my brain
2007-02-20 6:58 pm
1.should; ought to; must
2007-02-20 6:53 pm
should = ought to 應該
E.g. You should hand in your work on time.

must 一定
E.g. You must not be late to school.
參考: me
2007-02-20 6:38 pm
應該用should,must,ought to,shall.
2007-02-20 6:24 pm
Should, ought to, have to
參考: my exp
2007-02-20 6:22 pm
應該 =

1.should; ought to; must

2007-02-20 10:22:58 補充:
應該 = shouldought tomust

2007-02-20 10:23:07 補充:
應該 = shouldought tomust

2007-02-20 10:23:15 補充:
應該 = shouldought tomust

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