stay away from elephants when you have peanuts

2007-02-20 12:13 pm
請問這有什麼隱含的意思? thank you

如是指有好的東西要自己留著, 可否舉出實際應用的例子? tks

回答 (2)

2007-02-20 1:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
老番覺得大笨象全部都鍾意食花生既. 依句說話既意思係話, 如果你有花生, 就要離大象遠D啦. 大概係”獨食難肥”既相反。你有好野要收埋啦.
2007-02-20 4:16 pm
Stay away from elephants when you have peanuts means that if you have peanuts[花生],stay away from elephants because they like eating peanuts!!!!
"Stay away from elephants when you have peanuts" is a tongue twister.
參考: ME!!!

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