Jardine 地勤

2007-02-20 11:31 am
Jardine interview會問咩 &咩形式?
會唔會易過 CX & KA?
& 而家人工幾多.? thanks a lot!

回答 (2)

2007-03-01 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
For Jardine interview, there will be 2 or 3 rounds. Because it sometimes change in couple times of interview.

If have 3 rounds,

1st round: one to one to HR staff (a girl) in a room. She will ask you to introduce yourself in English, no time limit. Then she will ask you sometimes of your background in English. She will also ask you what 3 elements that you think it is important for being a PSA. You may also explain a little as well. Then you two will chat in Chinese over your background, working experience, the job and job duties of PSA ( you may also need to tell her airside/landside you choose and why). Then she will ask you to read out a short dialogue between PSA and passenger in Mandarin. It's very easy. If she ask you to wait outside for 2nd-in, then congratulation, you got the chance! Otherwise, she will tell you to wait in 1 week. That means failed!

2nd round: one to one also. You interviewer will be a man. This part is role play. Mostly the first time to take the interview. The topic will be "If you are a PSA, a passenger's luggage is over-weight, how could you do?". You will not have time to think. Just put yourself into the situation and solve it. There's no right answer because he supposes you not know how to do. So do you best and always put the passenger at first! You will also need to deal with the passenger's emotion and complains as well.
If you pass this round, the interviewer will tell you the final-in date and ask if you have any questions. Otherwise, it fails! But sometimes they do call you back after the 2nd interview, but very little chance!

3rd round: If you get into this round, you are almost success. You will see landside/airside manager. She will ask you about the job and job duties of PSA, why you are interested of being a PSA, why you choose landside/airside, and a little bit of your working experience. Because she needs you to make sure you want this job and this is a really tough job. You better know their working hours and salary. It's a friendly talking. Once she accepts you, then she will tell you when to sign contract, ......

If have 2 rounds, then will be no role play this part. However, you will need to tell you would prefer landside/airside, and why. Once you choose landside/airside, and you pass the 1st-in. You cannot change landside/airside you just said. Because you will see the manager in your final interview of ther side you made. I would suggest you to know more about the job duties of landside/airside so that you won't make a wrong decision.

And I think Jardine interview is easier than CX/KA because Jardine really need people. Basic + Allowance = $8000. Howeve, you will have lots of OTs, so your monthly salary will be over $10,000. Actually the monthly salary will be depence on how hard work you do, the more working hours you work, you will gain more.

Hope this is help! And good luck!
參考: self
2007-02-26 11:39 pm
會唔會易過 CX & KA?
Jardine interview會問咩 &咩形式?

1st Interview ~ Group Discussion

首先自我介紹. 之後比兩條題目妳同其他應徵者討論, 全英文討論。 (例如:e-services, e-ticketing or something else)
筆試:專業知識、航空概念及適職測驗。( 英語的難度視職務而定 )

2nd Interview ~

1) Based on resume 問你 一兩 條問題 (工作經驗, 點解想做呀咁~)
2) 讀一段普通話
3) 給地勤資料你看, 然後要妳用英文回答(可能是口試或筆試)
4) 單對單面試:航空概念、專業知識及應對技巧。


1. 請介紹一下自己。
‧ 資料應與工作相關

2. 你有什麼嗜好和興趣?
‧ 盡量講及與工作特性有關的嗜好及興趣
‧ 就能夠顯示自己長處及成就的興趣發揮

3. 請講述一下你的工作經驗?
‧ 舉例說明當時的職責,用事例證明自己的工作經驗和成就
‧ 如缺少工作經驗,可講述曾接受過的訓練及擁有的技能並連繫到申請的工作上

4. 你為什麼申請這份職位?
‧ 說明該職位、機構及行業吸引你的地方
‧ 具備職位要求的資歷及條件亦應該是你申請該職位的其中一個原因,故可考慮加以說明
‧ 說明該職位及機構如何配合你本身對工作的興趣、前途的期望、發揮機會等

5. 你對我們公司有什麼認識?你為什麼希望到我們公司工作?
‧ 可講述對公司的認識及行業的概況,以籍此表現對該工作的興趣和熱誠
‧ 切記在面試前搜集和熟讀該公司和行業的資料

6. 你是否願意擔任輪班 / 超時工作 / 往來外地 / 內地工作?
‧ 可按自己的實際情況回答,但不應表現得太斤斤計較
‧ 除非有實際困難,否則應表示在合理的情況下可以接受

7. 你為什麼想離開現職或離開上一份工作?你為什麼經常轉工?
‧ 如有客觀的原因如公司結業,不妨直說,但切勿說謊。
‧ 理由必須積極正面
‧ 如離職理由是基於積極求進,如尋求事業發展的機會、汲取新的工作經驗及技能等,不妨向主考人言明
‧ 你應強調如何把轉職所累積的經驗及所學的運用在這份工作上
‧ 在交代轉職的決定時,切忌惡意批評過往的僱主或同事、或就對工作的需要如加班、調遷等表示不滿,以免令主考人留下負面的印象。

8. 假設性問題,如你會如何應付一些無理取鬧的客人?若與乘客之間有衝突,你會怎樣處理?
‧ 這類問題多數與實際的工作處境有關,以評估你的應變能力和反應
‧ 憑藉過往的工作經驗或訓練,運用常識及專業技巧,嘗試回答

9. 時事問題,如社會熱門話題、政府政策
‧ 讓主考人了解你的觀點及見識
‧ 表達個人意見時應保持理性客觀
‧ 若主考人不同意你的觀點,不需加以反駁,應平心靜氣地與他討論

自己 + 勞工處 + 地勤人員資料

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