TOP UP GEDREE***幫幫手呀~~

2007-02-20 9:04 am
我想知道邊間大學有top up degree讀呀?(要係HRM)
我而家讀緊HD ga喇//

我有dd唔想stay係hk讀= =

help me pls....

回答 (3)

2007-02-21 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
HK PolyU SPEED has

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Resource Management


Reimbursable courses/programmes (either all or some of the modules within a programme) under Continuing Education Fund

Programme Code

Normal Duration
Part-time: 2 years

Programme Leader
Ms. Estella CHUNG BBus, MA, CAHRI

Entry Requirements
1. Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in business related disciplines; and,
2. Students must be able to demonstrate writing, listening and speaking skills at a high level in English (equivalent to IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 550, or pass in HKALE English)
2007-02-25 10:37 am
你好 !!! 我宜家係 HKU SPACE ge CIDP ( Center of International Degree Program ) 讀 University of Western Australia 的 communication studies 讀 yr 2 .

cidp 係 hku space 開來攪 international degree program ga ~
好多 program 都可以過外國讀,我今個 sem 就有 6 個同學過左 aus 去讀年半。

如果你本身係 hku space 讀 , gpa about 2.5 就 ok ~
if not , 只要過度個 interview , 成績唔太差就 ok ~ 因為始終係 self - financed program , 你肯比咁多 school fee , 通常都會比你讀 ga la ~!!

參考: myself
2007-02-20 9:42 am

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