How to play and visit london for 7days in low cost?

2007-02-20 8:42 am
I will have a vacation in London in March for 7 days, but my budget is quite limit (around HKD 5000). How can i make great use of the buget when visit in England?

~ information on Youth Hostel
~ information on Travel, (Underground vs Bus)
~ Dinning Info

回答 (5)

2007-02-20 11:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
For HKD5000 (approximately GBP330), that would be a little bit tight... But should just be OK...
For B&B, it would usually take around GBP25~35 depending on if you want a share bathroom or ensuite... I have previously used which is not too bad really... Their location is pretty good and also would provide you a breakfast... That would add up to around GBP180 for 6nights...
For London Travel, you should get a Oyster Card as you get into London at the nearest Underground Station... A journey from Heathrow into central London would cost you GBP3.5 while it cost GBP4 for paper ticket... Then with the Oyster Card, you can get a 7days ticket at any Underground Station which will cost you GBP23 for central London... This 7days ticket will allow you unlimited travel on London Underground and London Bus within the Zone you have bought your ticket for... You can look for further information at
For dinning, if you are staying at B&B, that you provide a pretty reasonable breakfast... Like that B&B I suggested to you, they provide a breakfast with cerial, boil egg and also some toaste... So that should last you quite a while... Then you can have a late lunch at McDonlds or Subway (something like Supersandwiches in Hong Kong)... McDonlds will cost you around GBP4 while Subway is around GBP3... So for a whole week, this would cost you around GBP28... Then maybe you can also get some snack for around GBP2 at Supermarket, which will take up ather GBP14...
When you add that all together GBP180 (B&B)+ GBP23 (7days Ticket)+ GBP28 (Lunch)+GBP14 (Snack)... That would all add up to GBP245... Which will leave you around GBP85... I would suggst you to walk along Oxford Street from Tottingham Court Road (Underground Station) all the way to Marble Arch (Underground Station)... As there are quite a few shops which sell bargin stuff (gift, cloths etc)...
Hopefully these information will help you... And dont feel hassletated to contact me again if you have any further questions...
參考: Live in London for 8yrs...
2007-02-23 4:11 am
i think the most expensive thing is hotel. but if you're under 30 (i think, or 28), you can apply for a hostel card and stay in a youth hostel, which ranges from about 10 - 15 pounds per night, which would save you a lot of money.

see 5 days would cost you 75 pounds. I've stayed at the St. Paul hostel before and it's very nice! very clean, great location, and clean bathrooms! (very very important for girls).
way beyond my expectation.

try this website, you can book there.

with the youth hostel ID you can also get lots of discounts at musems it's definitely worth getting it. if you're on a super tight budget, it may be wise to bring some cup noodles...and McDonald's always cheap. there's always China Town near Leicester Square tube station. it's not really cheap but still reasonable.

good luck and enjoy your trip!

2007-02-22 20:14:10 補充:
this is the official website :)
2007-02-20 12:45 pm
2007-02-20 8:53 am
hkd5000 is about 300pounds. i readl don't how u could manage 7 days in London with
that. Everything is so expensive over there. most likely u will be living on to go stuff and
bread more than likely. Good Luck in London
2007-02-20 8:53 am
how old are u?? r u a student or under 26 yrs old??
it's all about money if u want to have a great time in London for someone without student or youth discount!!

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