f.5 probability~please help!

2007-02-20 8:09 am
Please explain the following for me.

1. two cards are drawn randomly from five cards A,B,C,D and E. Find the probability that card A is drawn while card C is not.

ans: 3/10

2. A bag contains 2 black balls, 2 green balls and 2 yellow balls. Peter repeats drawing one ball at a time randomly from the bag without replacement until a green ball is drawn. Find the probability that he needs at most 4 draws.

ans: 14/15

回答 (2)

2007-02-20 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
P(A and NOT C)
=P(A) x P(NOT C | A) + P(NOT C and NOT A) x P(A | NOT C and NOT A)
=1/5 x 3/4 + 3/5 x 1/4

P(A green with at most 4 draws)
=1 - P(A green with 5 draws)
=1 - 4/6 x 3/5 x 2/4 x 1/3

2007-02-20 02:06:00 補充:
如果後面果到只係NOT C而唔NOT A即係第一張有機會抽到A就同前面果到重覆左了

2007-02-20 02:09:05 補充:
2007-02-20 8:28 am
= Prob (A is drawn in 1st place) x Prob (B, D or E is drawn in 2nd place) x 2
= 1/5 x 3/4 x 2
= 3/10

Prob (first 4 draws are not green)
= 4/6 x 3/5 x 2/4 x 1/3
= 1/15
prob (he needs at most 4 draws to get a green ball)
= 1 - 1/15
= 14/15.

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