10分: bf用手指果陣..搞到我想急尿既感覺?

2007-02-20 7:50 am
bf 未插入黎果陣 佢用手指整我下面
整到我好急尿 之後我叫佢停
佢就冇整我 之後就冇左急尿既感覺

我想問如果佢再整落去.. 果d係咪叫潮吹

女人咁樣係咪會好high? 有冇人試過? thank you!

回答 (5)

2007-02-20 1:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我在Yahoo!知識+ 發現一則您的問題答案,問: 整極都吾得(幫幫忙)10點, 我試個好多次都吾得,要整邊度先可以令女朋友潮吹,同埋個手細系點
答:英文版put a condom on the 2 fingers next to your right thumb...put enough ky on top of it ...ask her to spread out enough and you can lick/flip her "cherry&;quot; ...now put the 2 fingers together inside, and slowly up and down motion, and use the tips of your 2 fingers to slighty scratch the wall inside ...tickle the wall ... in any direction ...kiss her nipples, and her mouth or "cherry&;quot; while you are doing it ...say something good to please her ....
after 5 minutes or so, she should be all wet, and white fluid come out of her inside ... sticky white fluid like "white glue" ....she will moan with pleasure ... and even cry ...then increase the speed of your 2 fingers .... and kiss her more passionately...now ... if you want her to 潮吹, get in deeper .... she will leak out fluid/urine like a fountain ...splashing everywhere ...
however, I prefered to put the JJ in at this time (with condom always), and deep inside for 5 minutes ... up and down hard rocking ...good one ... and she will be very happy and kiss you wildly with passion ...and even grab you JJ and suck up everything ..."
learn this from a japanese friend.
Q1: 怎樣才算潮吹?
A1: This question has been asked before (from http://tw.knowledge. yahoo.com/question/? qid=1405102013856):
「潮吹」(也有人說是「吹潮」, 女性射精(Female ejaculation))據說是日本人的說法,是指女性在性交的時候從陰部滲出或噴出液體。我始終不知道這個名詞的相對中文該怎麼說,雖然有人說這是 「女性射精」,但是這個名詞感覺總覺得有點不對勁,暫且就用「潮吹」這個名詞稱呼吧。

有些人相信這是因為會陰肌肉無力造成的,不過,根據人體解剖研究發現,女性的生殖器有一個類似男性攝護腺的腺體,男性攝護腺會 分泌出鹼性液體,和精液一起流出以保持健康。女人體內相同的液體也會提供一個適合性交的環境。有些對潮吹沒有經驗或正確觀念的男人,會以為這樣的液體是 尿,這其實是錯誤的想法。
有的書上稱可以引發潮吹的G點叫做「尿道海綿體」,也有的書上稱為「斯堪氏尿道旁腺」,也有書上稱作「女性攝護腺」,其中「女性攝護腺」是比較容易記憶的 名稱。女性尿道、攝護腺、陰道和陰核的位置非常接近,所以有時候女性在性交或自慰的時候會壓迫陰道上壁以刺激攝護腺,造成「潮吹」的現象。
有些男人認為會潮吹才表示女人真的有達到高潮,如果沒有潮吹,就是自己技術不夠好,或者是女人太冷感。甚至有些女人也相信,只有經歷過潮吹,才是真正體驗 到高潮。刺激女性攝護腺會引發「潮吹」,正如同刺激男性的肛門內部會引發男性射精一樣,但是這樣的生理刺激→反應現象,並不完全等於「高潮」。試問男人; 單純刺激肛門內壁引發的射精,能不能和在陰道內部猛力抽差一個小時再射精相比?
對有些男人來說,觀看、感受一個女人「湧出液體」是一件煽情且挑逗的事情。男人對「潮吹」的興致遠比女人自己還要高,他們希望自己有能力讓女人源源不斷的 潮吹,因為這是自己性技巧的具體「成績」。然而,女人對自己「滲尿」多半會覺得羞恥,而不會覺得自己性感,於是,有些女人會刻意壓抑這樣的感受。
有些女人只會「滲出」,也有些女人會「噴出」,在某些A片裡,噴出的潮吹甚至是一種「表演項目」,不論如何,潮吹的感覺都一樣舒服,既然感覺很好,湧出液 體又何妨?又何必覺得髒?至那些不會湧出液體的女人,也不必覺得自己錯失了什麼,做愛舒服就好,有沒有潮吹,並不是絕對的必要。
Q2: 點做?
A2: Also this has been asked before (at http://hk.knowledge. yahoo.com/question/? qid=7006041301408):
參考: Yahoo!知識+ 發現一則您的問題答案,問: 整極都吾得(幫幫忙)10點, 我試個好多次都吾得,要整邊度先可以令女朋友潮吹,同埋個手細系點
2007-02-24 11:59 pm
2007-02-21 10:49 am
參考: 大性人
2007-02-20 8:30 pm
http://hk.knowledge. yahoo.com/question
2007-02-20 3:04 pm
I think the reason you feel 急尿, is because the vagina has nerve relfex on the bladder, so when you stimulate the vagina, it will affect the nerves that connects to the bladder as well.... also 潮吹 is not the same feeling as 急尿, when some fluid is out of the vagina like 潮吹, it takes much longer to feel then 急尿. so..... i think it is high for 潮吹....

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