✔ 最佳答案
Only certain type of food is allowed if you declare it at the customs. Snacks like chocolate or biscuits in sealed package are allowed to enter into Australia. It would be much easier if you follow their instructions like when you fill in the disembarkation card (the form you fill in while you on board) , make sure you tick yes to the question asking if you have brough any food with you ; pack all the food that you need to declare in your handcarry bag so you can show the staff at the customs straight away when asked then they do not have to ransack you other luggages. Be cooperative and tell them what the food is , usually they are very friendly and wouldn't ask too many questions especially if the package has english written on it. I usually brought a lot of snacks from 零食物語 when I go back to melbourne every year and I never got into any trouble.
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