
2007-02-20 7:06 am
In society, everyone has his work and job(係社會,大家有自己既工作同埋職責). Finish the work is his responsibility.
Teaching the students and correct student’s homeworks is Teacher’s responsibility. Striving to study (努力學習)and finishes homework at home is Student’s responsibility. Responsibility can supervise us to finish our work(責任可以督促我地完成工作). If you have not finished your work, you will be tensional. It is because you afraid you can not hand in your homework or files tomorrow.(你驚你聽日交唔到野)

回答 (5)

2007-02-20 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. In society, everyone has his work and job. Finish the work is his responsibility.
>> In society, everyone has his DUTY and responsibility.

2. Teaching the students and correct student’s homeworks is Teacher’s responsibility. Striving to study and finishes homework at home is Student’s responsibility.
> Teacher's responsibility is to TEACH the students and correct students' homeworks
WHEREAS student's repsonsibility is to STRIVE to study and finish THE homework.

>>( MY VERSION) Teacher's responsibility is to guide the students to learn, to think, to apply and to create whereas student's repsonsibility is to follow the teachers' guidelines, strive to study and finish the homework.

3. Responsibility can supervise us to finish our work.
> Responsibility can DRIVE us to finish our work AND PERFORM BETTER.

4. If you have not finished your work, you will be tensional. It is because you afraid you can not hand in your homework or files tomorrow.
>If you have not finished your work ON TIME , you will be tensional. It is because you ARE afraid OF BEING NOT ABLE TO hand in your homework IN THE NEXT DAY.

2007-02-20 18:51:24 補充:
Sentence 4---tensional should be changed to STRESSFUL 有壓力的,非常緊張( 少人用tesional, 應改 用stressful )If you have not finished your work ON TIME , you will FIND YOURSELF VERY STRESSFUL. It is because you ARE afraid OF BEING NOT ABLE TO hand in your homework IN THE NEXT DAY.

2007-02-20 18:51:39 補充:
另外,用afraid 加上介系詞( preposition) of , of 之後要用 gerund --即動詞 ing 或 verb-to =be ing 。如題,將 cannot 轉為 BEING NOT ABLE TO 較為正確!
參考: me
2007-02-20 7:57 am
In society everybody has his work or duties that he has to finish. The duty of a teacher is to teach the students and correct their homework. The duty of the students is to strive to study hard and to finish his homework. If you have not finished your homework today you will be nervous brcause you will be afraid that you will not be able to hand in your homework tomorrow.
2007-02-20 7:49 am
In society, everyone has his work and job
[In society, everyone has his own assigned task.] work and job幾乎係同義詞,不要一起用。

Finish the work is his responsibility.
[We are obligated to do and finish our own work.]我地必須完成自己的工作。

Teaching the students and correct student’s homeworks is Teacher’s responsibility.
[Teaching and grading homeworks are teachers' responsibilities.] 教學和改功課是一般教師的工作,所以用teachers'就可以。另外提及兩個工作,所以是{... are ... responsibilities。}

Striving to study (努力學習)and finishes homework at home is Student’s responsibility.
[Studying hard and finishing homework are students' responsibilities.]

Responsibility can supervise us to finish our work(責任可以督促我地完成工作).
[Sense of responsibility is like our supervisor, who monitors our progress by...]
If you have not finished your work, you will be tensional.
[... giving us a tensional feeling towards unfinished jobs.]呢句原文的logic好怪...如果finishing our work係responsibility,那麼responsibility又如何令我finish our work呢?改作責任感(Sense of responsibility)會比較好,但我自己都覺得呢句可以多改善。加了{,who...}句形,接起了下一句。

It is because you afraid you can not hand in your homework or files tomorrow.
[For example, we are usually afraid of failing to present our homework the next day.]然後以功課為一個example。


2007-02-20 7:47 am
We all have our own duties and responsibilities in the society. Finishing the work is one's responsibility.

Teaching student is a teacher's responsibility. (因為 teaching 己包括改功課, 無須重複)

Studying hard and hand in homework on time are a student's responsibilities.

責任可以督促我地完成工作 --> (可以改改, 因為未必每人都會認為責任可以督促一個人完成手頭工作)
Responsibility makes us bound to our works.

You will feel nervous if you can not finish the work because you just can not hand in the work on time.
2007-02-20 7:36 am
In the society, everyone has his task and role.
Finishing work is one's responsibility.
Teaching the students and marking their homework are the responsibilities of a
Striving to learn and finishing homework are the responsibilities of a student.
The sense of responsibilty can supervise us to finish our work.
If you have not finished your work, you will be tensile.
It is because you are afraid to be unable to hand in your homework or files the next

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